Membership Info

Membership Information

Curious about Levels of Membership for The Coven of Sangha-Shō and their requirements? Ready to fill out an Outer Circle Application? If you've answered "Yes" to either of these questions, then you are in the right place!

Membership Progression Flowchart:

More Details

Outer Circle
Seeker (cutoff date- September 1)
Outer Circle
Learner- Membership Portal (Nov. 1- Feb.1)
*Outer circle membership applications are accepted on a rolling basis * Outer circle membership is required to start the process to Inner Circle
· Potentials must complete a minimum 2 months in the Outer Circle
* Outer Circle Members who wish to pursue full membership must have the application completed and submitted by September 1
* Outer Circle Members are required to attend:
  • 1 ritual per year
  • 1 general membership meeting in September
(Failure to attend these 2 obligations will jeopardize outer circle membership)
* Outer Circle Members do not have to be Pagan; only must show an interest in the Path of the Goddess and follow a moral and ethical code; Members may not “double dip” in the Pagan Community meaning a person cannot be a member of the outer circle of The Coven of Sangha-Shō and also be a member or potential member of another coven
* Outer Circle Members are expected to learn and follow Stole Etiquette and should understand they are representatives of The Coven of Sangha-Shō when they are in the Pagan Community; therefore they must adhere to our code of conduct and etiquette when in the community
* There is no required ongoing study or course/class obligation for members of the Outer Circle
* This level of membership is considered general membership 
* Membership Portal opens from November 1 – February 1; this is the time when membership applications to Inner Circle are accepted
* All potential members must take a formal Wicca 1 class and show a good faith effort to attend ritual when possible
* Wicca 1 formal study and training class is offered during the membership portal time period; all potential members must take and pass this class; another option is taking the Wicca 1 and Wicca 2 class at Psychic’s Thyme and include a copy of the certificate of completion with the application
(Other Wicca 1 classes will be considered on a case by case basis- certificate of successful completion and curriculum must be presented)
Outer Circle- Special Designation
Petitioner (Feb. 1 – March 31)
Affiliate Circle
April- May- June- July- August
* This is a 2 month transition period- the designated outer circle members who have decided to pursue Inner Circle Membership must fulfill the following:
* Petitioners must make a good faith effort to become acquainted with coven members to be able to choose a mentor by the end of this period
* Petitioners are required to attend
  • · 2 rituals during these 2 months (Sabbats or Open Full Moon Esbats)
  • 2 meetings required (1 with HP & 1 with Coven Council)
(failure to attend petitioner obligations will result in return to outer circle)
* There are no required study or course/class obligations for petitioners
* A majority vote of all current active coven members is required to move on to the Affiliate Circle
* Only 4 petitioners total at any one time may enter the Affiliate program; this number is adjusted (down) based on the total number of Inner Circle Members
* Affiliates will complete the 5 month modular training program; takes place on the first Sunday of each of these months at 12:15pm
* Affiliates will attend 5 Full Moon Open Esbats
* Affiliates will attend 5 Learning Circles lasting 1 hour prior to the Open Esbats
* Affiliates will learn “open tradition”, by-laws, coven etiquette, code of conduct and other related information to assist in transition into the Inner Circle and successful completion of the Affiliate Mod Training Program
* Attendance is tracked
* A unanimous vote of all current active coven members is required to be initiated into the Inner Circle of Sangha-Shō
* September closed Full Moon Esbat- is the Stone to Wood Initiation Ceremony 


If you wish to submit an Outer Circle Application, click the lick below, fill out the form, and mail/email it to the appropriate address (Note: This is a common form used by all members of The Circle of Tribes, be sure to mail it to the correct address)