Sunday, January 5, 2014

Newsletter #6, Featured Article: Rock Your Chakras (Part 2)

Hello again, everyone! This issue of the Sangha-Shō News is being posted a little late, as I was so caught up in the hustle and bustle of the holidays, that I almost forgot about it! I do apologize.

-- 2014 Open Esbat Schedule (Tentative)
-- Some info on Mistletoe
-- Ideas for Pagan Kids
-- A Sneak Peak at Future Classes
-- Others Misc. tidbits worth checking out

We're also featuring Part 2 of the 8 part series: Rock Your Chakras, written by our very own Moria, aka: The Crystal Lady! Enjoy!

The Sacral Chakra is located below the belly button. It deals with emotions, sexuality, and pleasure.

One of the most beneficial stones for strengthening the sacral chakra is Carnelian. It's influence can stabilize the emotions, restore vitality, encourage creativity, enhance courage, and stimulate sexuality.
It is important for the piece of carnelian that you choose to be visually appealing to you and comfortable for you to hold.
Gaze into the carnelian. Become entranced with the colors and shape, take joy in its sight and feel. "Hear" in your mind your favorite pieces of music. "Taste" your favorite meal. As you take pleasure from your senses, place the stone to your sacral chakra, and see the carnelian pulse with orange energy. Draw that energy into your chakra.
Affirmation:  I am healthy and strong. My feelings are stable. I deserve pleasure in my life.

~ The Crystal Lady aka Moria

Keep an eye out for our next Issue of the Sangha-Shō News & Part 3 of 
this series. In the meantime, check out the rest of Issue #6!