Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Join us for Lammas! - 2014 Gathering of the Tribes

Come One Come All!!!

Every Lammas is special, but this year it's EXTRA special! Why? Because it's a Gathering of the Tribes event, THAT'S why!

What does that mean? Well, it means that the ritual is a collaborative effort between the covens that are members of The Circle of Tribes.

Who's going to be there? When is it? How do you RSVP? Where is it? All the info worth knowing is provided below:

Covens of The Circle of Tribes ( Daughters of Bast, Sisters of Medusa, Circle of the Green, Path of Eternal Light, and The Coven of Sangha-Shō) Solitaries & Visitors Friends & Family Neighbors & Earth Friendly People! 


Saturday, August 2, 2014

1:30 pm- Gather, organize food, and socialize
2:00 pm- Ritual

3:15- 5pm- Buffet dinner/fellowship

How to RSVP:

RSVP by 8/1/14 via your HP/HPS or, if not part of a group, directly to

Provide the following information:

1. How many in your group that are attending

2. What type of dish you are bringing based on your LAST NAME!!!

Last Name A-H: Main Dish or Casserole Dish

Last Name I-P: Salad and 1 liter beverage

Last Name Q-Z: Appetizer or Dessert

> PLEASE if you are bringing a Vegetarian or Gluten Free dish, please label it as such.[Dishware, cups, napkins, etc., provided]


The Coven of Sangha-Shō Covenstead in Irondequoit, NY (If you are unfamiliar with where we are located, the address will be provided after you RSVP)

Other Particulars: 

Dress - Where whatever you wish, please be comfortable! If part of a coven, check with your HP/HPS as to their preference; ritual garb is always welcome! 

Parking - With such a large group, parking will be at a premium, so PLEASE CARPOOL! Use driveway spots, if available, or road and side road parking. 

Chairs - If you have sturdy folding chairs, please bring them.

Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Rock Your Chakras: Part 6, Events, & Newsletter #10

Hello, hello! The warmer weather has finally started to show it's lovely face to us here in Western NY and we all couldn't possibly be happier about it!

There's a lot in the works at the Covenstead including: Open Beltane Ritual on Saturday May 3rd, Open Dyad Moon Esbat on Friday May 16th, and the continued planning of our Trip to Europe for Lammas 2015! There's updated information regarding the 2015 trip as well as several informative articles in Newsletter Issue #10.

And NOW it's time for part 6 of the Rock your Chakras series!

Part 6 - Opening the Eye
Powers of insight, imagination, and intuition are gathered in the Brow/Third Eye Chakra. These energies are collected between the eyes in the center of the forehead.
Opening the gates of spiritual perception is the job of Sodalite. This stone aids in silencing mundane thoughts so the mind may receive information from higher planes of existence.
Gaze at the streaks of white running through the deep blue sodalite. Close your eyes but continue picturing the stone. Watch as the white streaks begin to glow and spark, dancing like lighting across the rich blue surface. Bring the stone to your brow. Feel the lightning energy strike your third eye, creating a clear pathway for divine wisdom and energy to flow into you. Listen and be the conduit of Spirit.
Affirmation: I see with clarity and listen to wisdom. I trust my intuition. I am open.
~ The Crystal Lady aka Moria

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

European Tour - Summer 2015!

Ever think about going to Europe?

Ever think about going to Europe with other Witches?

Ever think about going to Stonehenge and seeing an authentic Labyrinth with other Witches?

The Coven of Sangha-Shō, Inc. is organizing a trip for the SUMMER 2015 with the help of LIBERTY TRAVEL!

Travel flyer has been included in this Newsletter- You don’t have to be a Pagan/Wiccan/Witch to travel!!

Commitment needed by August/September of 2014 (need a minimum of 10 travelers)
Sounds exciting, doesn't it?? I'm sure you'd like to know more, so check out the Flyer in the link below for more detailed information.

If interested please contact The Coven of Sangha-Shō by email or phone! or 585-300-3148

Sunday, March 16, 2014

Rock Your Chakras! (Parts 3 - 5), Upcoming Class, & A Special Anniversary.

It's been a busy couple of months, and I apologize for not posting in a while. We've all been right and thoroughly frozen to the core this Winter, and we are finally able to see that gradually warming light at the end of the proverbial tunnel. Ostara is fast approaching, and with that brings another very special occasion. On March 20th, 2014 The Coven of Sangha-Shō will be celebrating our 10th Anniversary!

Many things have changed and developed since our inception. Faces have come and gone, but our dedication to The Goddess and the Community, both Pagan and Non-Pagan alike, has only grown and strengthened over the years. Blessed Be The Coven of Sangha-Shō, and Blessed be all those who have touched our hearts, and crossed our Paths as we've embarked on this prodigious Journey. We look forward to many more years of being able to Serve in whatever manner She calls us to.

Today I'm catching you all up with the "Rock Your Chakras" series of articles written by The Coven of Sangha-Shō's very own "Crystal Lady": Moria! After you've read about how to sufficiently rock some of your chakras, I'll fill you in on our upcoming "Spell Writing & Books of Shadows" class. So, let's get on with it, shall we?

Part 3 - Strengthening the Solar Plexus

Above your belly button sits your Solar Plexus Charka. It deals with personal power, strength of will, self-mastery, self-esteem, and individuality.
Highly energizing, Citrine is a great choice for working with this chakra. Citrine promotes and encourages creativity, self-confidence, self-esteem, motivation, and self-expression.
Stand in front of a full length mirror. Picture a flame in the middle of your solar plexus. This is your fiery spirit, unique to you. Watch it burn and flicker. Hold the citrine against your chakra and visualize it glowing with a yellow light. See the light pulse, growing bigger and brighter. Draw that light into your solar plexus, watch it feed the flame. As your flame grows stronger and brighter, say your affirmations out loud to your reflection.
Affirmation: I treat myself with respect, love, and compassion. I choose how I think and behave. I accept my power.
Part 4 - Healing the Heart
At the center of the body is your Heart Chakra. This is the chakra of compassion and love; governing all relationships and interactions.
Less common, but worth seeking out, Green Tourmaline is beneficial for opening the heart chakra. By dispelling fears and promoting compassion, patience, and empathy, this stone transforms negativity into positive energy.
Kneel with head bowed, hands in prayer position over your heart, cradling your tourmaline in your palms. Create a circuit of pulsing energy between your heart and hands. With each beat, "pull" energy from your body up to your heart and send it around the circuit. As it passes through the tourmaline, see any dark spots dissolve, leaving only bright white energy flowing. Share this energy from your heart with the world.
Affirmation: I grow through compassion. By giving and receiving love unconditionally, I am transformed. Love is the answer.
Part 5 - The Thoughtful Throat
The Throat Chakra is the fifth chakra energy center. Sitting beneath your chin, this chakra is responsible for communication and creativity.
Turquoise is used in healing the throat chakra. It enhances all aspects of communication: between people, the body and mind, and the physical and spiritual planes. It releases inhibitions, allowing the soul to express itself.
Lay down and breathe deeply. Place the stone on your throat. Breathe out and make an "eeeee" sound. Listen to the sound vibrate your throat and the stone. Play with the pitch of your "eeeee" as you breath out. Feel how the turquoise's vibration changes, speeding up as your pitch raises and slowing as your pitch lowers. Feel your chakra absorb the now vibrating bright blue energy from the turquoise.
Affirmation: I speak my truth in love. I know when to listen. With truth I create my peace.
~ The Crystal Lady aka Moria
Upcoming Class:
Spell Writing & Books of Shadows:
In this 3 session class you will...
  • learn the grammar of spell writing
  • learn how rhythm & rhyme raise energy
  • learn how to cast while solo or in groups through various methods
  • reflect on how you would like to create your B.O.S. (Book of Shadows)
  • learn how the Goddess guides you in this sacred act of making your book be an extension of who you are
Sessions are Tuesdays from 6-9 pm: April 22nd, April 29th, & May 6th
Most materials provided 
Fee: $15 (suggested donation)
To register: Email w/ Full Name, Contact Phone #, and Mailing Address.  

Sunday, January 5, 2014

Newsletter #6, Featured Article: Rock Your Chakras (Part 2)

Hello again, everyone! This issue of the Sangha-Shō News is being posted a little late, as I was so caught up in the hustle and bustle of the holidays, that I almost forgot about it! I do apologize.

-- 2014 Open Esbat Schedule (Tentative)
-- Some info on Mistletoe
-- Ideas for Pagan Kids
-- A Sneak Peak at Future Classes
-- Others Misc. tidbits worth checking out

We're also featuring Part 2 of the 8 part series: Rock Your Chakras, written by our very own Moria, aka: The Crystal Lady! Enjoy!

The Sacral Chakra is located below the belly button. It deals with emotions, sexuality, and pleasure.

One of the most beneficial stones for strengthening the sacral chakra is Carnelian. It's influence can stabilize the emotions, restore vitality, encourage creativity, enhance courage, and stimulate sexuality.
It is important for the piece of carnelian that you choose to be visually appealing to you and comfortable for you to hold.
Gaze into the carnelian. Become entranced with the colors and shape, take joy in its sight and feel. "Hear" in your mind your favorite pieces of music. "Taste" your favorite meal. As you take pleasure from your senses, place the stone to your sacral chakra, and see the carnelian pulse with orange energy. Draw that energy into your chakra.
Affirmation:  I am healthy and strong. My feelings are stable. I deserve pleasure in my life.

~ The Crystal Lady aka Moria

Keep an eye out for our next Issue of the Sangha-Shō News & Part 3 of 
this series. In the meantime, check out the rest of Issue #6!